Instagram Close Friends
- By providing the information below, I understand that my Instagram account may be added to the close friends list of BB and B’s instagram account: @bbandbdeco
- I understand that there may weeks where there will be multiple announcements and other times where it will be very quiet.
- I understand that BB and B may remove me from the Close Friends section for any reason at any time.
- I understand that the Close Friends of BB and B is contingent upon my registration with the website and newsletter.
- I understand that if I wish to be removed from the BB and B Close Friends section, I will need to email the request to (we apologize, there doesn’t seem to be an automatic way to remove one’s self from this list)
- And last but not least, I understand that BB and B is, at this time, still trying out this format out and may stop using this feature at any time.
Official Instagram page:
Please email us with any questions you may have:
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