Sakuracon 2025

BB and B @ Sakuracon 2025 We are excited to be able to return to Sakuracon from April 18 through 20 and look forward to seeing you there! We are excited to be able to bring our sister brand, Ronova, as well for this year! We are at booth # 1405 and 1407.  Very close...

Modeling for BB and B

Modeling for BB and B BB and B would like to have more person-able photos for our handmade jewelry and invite you to submit your name and information below. If you are in the Los Angeles area, the shoot will be scheduled at a convenient time for all and may be done at...

Instagram Close Friends Registration

Instagram Close Friends By providing the information below, I understand that my Instagram account may be added to the close friends list of BB and B’s instagram account: @bbandbdeco I understand that there may weeks where there will be multiple announcements...


SECONDHAND MARKET   It has been brought to our attention that some of our BB and B jewelry is now being sold on the secondhand market.  We are more than happy to see our jewelry being loved and given the opportunity to be loved by another,… but it has also...